Angela Dematté/Mad in Europe

  • Italiano

    • Mad in Europe

    FRIDAY, 4th SEPTEMBER 2015 |  20.45 | 20’



    Mad in Europe

    by Angela Dematté
    drammaturgy collaboration Rosanna Dematté
    scene and stage custom Ilaria Ariemme
    light design and sound Marco Grisa
    performer Angela Dematté
    direction of team Mad in Europe


    The project starts from countless suggestions of communicative acts.
    There is a reflection about the “word” and the “language” and what it brings into our lives.
    There is a second reflection that begins with a series of meetings organized by the European Commission in which we participated and those started in an attempt to write: “The mind and the body of Europe: a new narrative “.
    There is a third suggestion that starts from a great-aunt remained in a mental hospital for 80 years of his life . There is a fourth suggestion is that a surprise pregnancy.
    What comes ( and it is our project ) is a pregnant woman crazy. At the European Parliament. She could speak many languages ​​… but now she can only formulate a ” dialect ” international, strange and shapeless . Especiallyshe doesn’t remember absolutely more her native language, her ” Muttersprache “. She refused it and now she doesn’t remember more. Whose fault is it? She will have to go far back to try to get out of the neurosis that has fallen. Fit into awkward legacy: maternal, religious, old-fashioned, which was thought to be rid. It remains to be seen whether she will still find something ( if she will want) or if it’s all lost forever .



    The company Mad in Europe didn’t exist before this project. There are peolple who work togheter in a lot of theatral project but above all they feel they have a common thought and research about the reality and the man. So they accept the proposal of Angela Dematté, who has a mad idea in her head: working about language to work the roots and the shame, for working on contemporary aesthetic, for working on what the “freedom” is today. It is a definition thai is enreached with new shades. What is evident is that Mad in Europe is an effective field for new and deep discoveries on the essence of which we are made. The “Mad” who accept this experiment are: Ilaria Ariemme (costumer and scenographer), Marco Grisa (light designer and technician), Rosanna Dematté (multilingual curator of art exhibitions) and Angela Dematté (actress and playwriter). They are all european citizens.

    Angela Dematté, actress and playwriter. She graduated in 2005 at the Accademia dei Filodrammatici di Milano. She works as actress with Mimmo Cuticchio, Bano Ferrari, Peter Clough, Walter Pagliaro, Pietro Carriglio, Andrea Chiodi, Mario Gas, Bruno Fornasari, Carmelo Rifici, Sandro Mabellini. At the cinema she works with Toni Trupia, Giovanni Calamari, Matteo Ricca, Daniela Persico, Sergio Fabio Ferrari. In 2009 she won the 50th Premio Riccione with her first play “Avevo un bel pallone rosso” (in Italy, directed by C. Rifici; in France, directed by M. Didym, Premio Palmarès Coup de coeur for Richard and Romane Bohringer) and the Golden Graal Award Rising Star for the theatre. Amog the plays she wrote: “Stragiudamento” (directed by A. Chiodi), “L’officina-storia di una famiglia” (directed by C. Rifici), the web serie “Comparse” and “Guida estrema di puericultura” (finalist at Dante Cappelletti Award) with Francesca Sangalli. She won the announcement of I Teatri del Sacro with “Stava la madre”, directed by Sandro Mabellini. With R.Cavosi e R.Gabrielli she cureted the dramaturgy of the project “Chi resta” by Carmelo Rifici. With the same director she has been continuing for several years a work of research and collaboration among which “Clitennestra o la morte della tragedia” for Elisabetta Pozzi e and the play “Il compromesso” for the students of the Accademia dei Filodrammatici. Her works are published in Italy (Editoria & Spettacolo) and in France (Les solitaires intempestifs).