Alessandro Carboni‘s artistic career meshes research through performance, visual investigation, experimental geography and Critical Cartography in a unique way, with special attention to the practices of transmission and sharing. As both choreographer and performer Carboni is active between Europe and Asia, his work inhabits urban spaces, draws trajectories and new blueprints for theatres and museums. His research revolves around complex networks of permutations found between space and its constituent elements – places, people, relationships -, all planes of projection from which emerge critical questions about the contemporary.
Framed by Short Theatre 2021, Carboni presents The Angular Distance of a Celestial Body, a performance in which the tensions accumulated over his last years of work are condensed. Across the board reflections on the cartographic process are translated into sensitive experiences and bodily practice. The Angular Distance of a Celestial Body wants to undermine and reformulate the concept of a two-dimensional map. Moving to the specificity of the stage space, performative action replaces the body as the concrete sign of a map in an attempt to critically re-appropriate the complexity of the world and claim the impossibility of its reduction.
The score gives rhythm to the movement emerging from subtle listening that comes and goes between two bodies that have no identity, they mirror one another but they are never the same: their disguise refers to a metaphorical, fragmented carnival, one which calls out for an implicit deconstruction of the established order of things.
In addition to The Angular Distance of a Celestial Body, Alessandro Carboni will also present Captures at Short Theatre 2021.