September 12 | 2:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Teatro India – Sala A
dramaturgy/mise en espace

free entry with reservation required on Eventbrite

École des Maîtres | XXIX edizione

La parola e il corpo assente

The École des Maîtres is an advanced theatrical education project created by Franco Quadri in 1990. Conceived as an itinerant atelier, it is open to professional young actors, and it aims at creating an experience rich in an exchange of methods and practises of theatre production, starting from different texts, languages and artistic languages.

Due to the Covid-19 health emergency, the École artistic direction launched a special edition for the 2020-2021 period dedicated to playwrights, led by Italian playwright Davide Carnevali.

This does not mean shifting our attention from stage practice – far from it. Instead we will take this opportunity to reflect on the relationship between script and staging and between writing and life, but we will do this from a different point of view: that of playwrights. (Davide Carnevali)

The theatrical text created by the selected young playwrights will be presented to the public through stage readings in the different partner countries of the École des Maîtres, translated into Italian, French and Portuguese.

Playwrights do not write theatre, they write for the theatre. Their work can crystallize into a wonderful document of theatrical literature, but it will not be theatre until its words are embodied. By saying that the textual aspect is dependent on the performance aspect does not in any way imply a renunciation of writing; rather it forces us to rethink it. Only by becoming aware of its shortcomings, its being dependent on something else, something unknown and not yet actualised, does language fully become a “theatrical language”. A poetic and poietic language. (Davide Carnevali)


For Short Theatre 2021, the texts by the young playwrights Francesco Alberici, Liv Ferracchiati (Italy); Brune Bazin, Cecile Hupin (Belgium); Jean D’Amérique, Adèle Gascuel (France); Mariana Ferreira, Raquel S. (Portugal) will be staged by companies and performers of the Italian contemporary scene.


The day will be divided in 3 sessions, and so will be the companies that will curate the mise en space:
– 14.30 – 16.00: Manuela Cherubini/Centro Internazionale La Cometa, Valerio Malorni/Simone Amendola, Niccolò Matcovich
– 16.30 – 18.00: Liv Ferracchiati, Raffaele Bartoli, Andrea Dante Benazzo
– 18.30 – 20.00: Francesco Alberici, Caterina Marino/Lorenzo Bruno/Marco Fasciana


Buchi neri, una quadratura
by Brune Bazin
translation Maria Adele Palmieri
directed by Manuela Cherubini
reading by Centro Internazionale La Cometa’s students
with: Chiara Bartolucci, Lorenzo Berardinucci, Daphne Folliero, Pietro Formentini, Simone Guaragna, Alice Lepidio, Fiammetta Mancini, Ilaria Pietrangeli and Martina Spampinato
Opera Polvere
by Jean d’Amerique
translation Maria Adele Palmieri
reading by Rueda/Habitas / regia di Nardinocchi/Matcovich
with Livia Antonelli, Chiara Aquaro, Claudia Guidi, Ilaria Giorgi, Niccolò Matcovich and Laura Nardinocchi
La faglia
by Adèle Gascuel
translation Maria Adele Palmieri
reading by Compagnia Amendola/Malorni curated by Simone Amendola Valerio Malorni with Daniele Amendola and Valerio Malorni
Dopo la fine del mondo
by Liv Ferracchiati
with Andrea Cosentino, Liv Ferracchiati, Petra Valentini
by Raquel S.
translation Marco Marinuzzi
directed by Raffaele Bartoli
sound and video Claire Mahieux
with Sara Mafodda e Diego Parlanti and with the kind collaboration of Andrea Dante Benazzo
Et cetera, Et cetera
by Mariana Ferreira
translation Marco Marinuzzi
reading by Andrea Dante Benazzo
with Francesca Astrei
sound and video supervision Lorenzo Quagliozzi
by Francesco Alberici
directed by Francesco Alberici
with Francesco Alberici, Salvatore Aronica, Dario Merlini and Daniele Turconi
Una Storia Naturale
by Cécile Hupin
translation Maria Adele Palmieri
reading by Caterina Marino/Lorenzo Bruno/Marco Fasciana coordinamento Caterina Marino
with Marco Fasciana, Mauro Lamantia and Caterina Marino
sound and video Lorenzo Bruno



partners and artistic direction CSS Teatro stabile di innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italia), CREPA – Centre de Recherche et d’Expérimentation en Pédagogie Artistique (CFWB/Belgio), Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, TAGV – Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente (Portogallo), La Comédie de Reims, Centre Dramatique National de Reims, Comédie de Caen –  Centre Dramatique National de Normandie (Francia)
with the support of Ministero della Cultura – Direzione Generale spettacolo, Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Direzione centrale cultura, sport e solidarietà, Fondazione Friuli (Italia)
with the participation of  Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio d’Amico”, Short Theatre, Teatro di Roma – Teatro Nazionale, ERPAC – Ente Regionale Patrimonio Culturale Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italia), Théâtre de Liège – Centre européen de création théâtrale et chorégraphique, Centre des Arts scéniques, Ministère de la Communauté française – Service général des Arts de la scène, Wallonie-Bruxelles International (CFWB/Belgio); Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Fonds d’Assurance Formation des Activités du Spectacle (Francia); Universidade de Coimbra (Portogallo)