Lancelot Hamelin / The Light House Project

Italian Dreams - People of Tor Sapienza

12 September | h 8 pm and 10 pm
13 September | h 7:30 pm and 9:30 pm
La Pelanda – Atelier

national première
max 30 spectators

Over the past years Lancelot Hamelin have been collecting dreams and nightmares from different communities and International cities in Cairo, Paris, New York, Nanterre, New Orleans, slums in France, Rome, to document a comtemporary version of the mental condition. This proposal offers a perspective on different societies, each with a political point of vue, as well as a way to heal each other.
The project was developed in residence with the region of Île-de-France, the Theatre Nanterre-Amandiers, the Academia di Francia in Roma.
Italian Dreams – People of Tor Sapienza is a performance composed of dreams and nightmares that were assembled in Rome during his residency at Villa Medici in 2016-17.
These interviews were collected from residents living in different neighborhoods – in particular run-down district in the Tor Sapienza peripherical area – and also from migrants in Galiano, a village in Puglie, during the festival Capo d’Arte.
During this long inquiry, he and his team met different type of communities including children, parents, female activists, sleepers…
In July 2019 the team organized a workshop to transcript the recordings made in 2017 – to compose an edited version as a script.
A slideshow by the visual artist Cynthia Charpentreau, will serve as a scenery and backdrop.
The photographs will show the locations in relation with dreams and the early renaissance romance The Dream of Poliphilius : garden of Villa Medicis, Capitoline Museum and the MAAM (Museo dell’Altro e dell’Altrove di Metropoliz)

Lancelot Hamelin is a writer. Novelist and playwright, he has recently engaged in journalistic and non-fictional work. His novels were published by L’Arpenteur-Gallimard, and his plays by Théâtre Ouvert, Quartett and Espace 34. His plays have been published and presented by Théâtre Ouvert. He has worked in collaboration with several directors : Duncan Evennou, Mathieu Bauer, Éric Massé and Christophe Perton. He was invited to Lincoln Center’s “Director’s Lab” in New York.
From May 2014 to June 2019, he harvested dreams, in Nanterre, New York, Rome, Cairo and elsewhere.
Lancelot Hamelin was invited to develop another project around dreams and dreamers, at the French Academy in Rome, the Villa Medicis where he was a resident for a year in 2016.


concept, direction, writing Lancelot Hamelin
photos  Cynthia Charpentreau
research and translation Carlo Gori, Carmine Fabbricatore, Ariana Ninchi, Martin Selze
actress Maria Vittoria Argenti, Consuelo Bartolucci
artistic collaboration Martin Selze
Italian dreams is presented in the context of Fabulamundi Playwriting Europe, in collaboration with la Francia in Scena, stagione artistica dell’Institut français Italia / Ambasciata di Francia in Italia and supported by i-Portunus