The Jungle Soul multimedia installation is an immersive experience reproducing eight micro-video performances within an indistinct “exotic” garden; a sort of visual and perceptive recontextualization and extension of the Salvo Lombardo \ Chiasma Company’s artistic research on the colonial imagery and racialized representations of human bodies. The glossy human zoo and hallucinated freak show of Jungle Soul, features drifts of cultural appropriation and its current representations in the various aesthetic and linguistic areas of an ever-growing jungle of capitalism. At the same time, ethnocentric preconceptions have been pushing people to a kind of idealization of the unknown, depicting some exemplary subjectivities, inventing traditions and labelling the others according to a brutal domination and authoritative scheme. The installation was born from both the projects: L’esemplare Capovolto and Opacity.
Salvo Lombardo presents at Short Theatre 2020 also Opacity#2, scheduled 6 September.