talk with Valentina Valentini
vocals by Carla Tatò
coordinator Piersandra Di Matteo
Listening decentralizes the role of vision, it activates cross-references between different subjects, it enhances the perception of time and it gives life to imaginative practices. In the performing arts, sound and voice are the instruments of dramaturgies able to generate intense vibrations in the dialogue between bodies.
The volume Drammaturgia sonore 2 (Bulzoni 2021), curated by Valentina Valentini, investigates the performativity of sound and voice thanks to the contribution of artists, musicians and scholars devoted to analysing creation and reception processes.
A brief vocal performance by Carla Tatò – shiny star of the Italian theatre avant-garde – will be the chance for the audience to experience the body-like aspect of a voice and its physical calamity, ventriloquism and semantic dissemination.
curated by Daniele Vergni
d.e.e.p. is a journey across the soundscape of a book, a series of sound extracts from the written page, created by the reflections of scholars, actors, choreographers and musicians who donated their sensitivity in exchange for our deep listening.
d.e.e.p. is therefore
[d.are] to listen to composers (Alvin Curran, Domenico Guaccero);
[e.ssere] to listen to those voices whose ephemeral breath still affects us (Perla Peregallo, Michicko Hirayama, Ermanna Montanari, Chiara Guidi);
[e.stendere] to listen to those irregular voices that crosses the boundaries of biology and gender (Diamanda Galás, AGF);
[p.restare] to continue to listen in a reciprocal, inclusive and sympathetic way.
Valentina Valentini (curated by), Drammaturgia sonore 2, Bulzoni, Roma 2021.
Detail from Dr. Marage’s Apparatus for the study of speech and sound (ca 1900). Casts of the mouth pronouncing vowels.