11-14 November
Spaziodanza MUVet | Bologna


Camilla Guarino, Giuseppe Comuniello, Diana Anselmo, Aristide Rontini, Elia Covolan / Al.Di.Qua Artists & Mariella Popolla / University of Cagliari

Even outside the festival programme, we continue to focus on audio and sound creation themes about disability in performing art. A path that AREA06 has been pursuing for more than three years in various forms and projects: within the Short Theatre festival, with the FERMENTO project, with the European project Radio That Matters, of which it is the leader and with various production and dissemination paths on these themes, supported by the Alta Mane Italia Foundation.

In almost all the stages of this journey, AREA06 had at its side Al.Di.Qua.Artists, are a fundamental partner in the process of self-education on the themes of fragility and disability in the artistic field and as valuable accomplices in imagining and sharing creative and reflective outlooks and perspectives.

From 11 to 14 November, Al.Di.Qua.Artists will curate a residency at MUVet in Bologna to work again on the dialogue between accessibility and performance and to question a certain atrophy of cultural and artistic imaginaries and the relationship between authorship and spectatorship: the public needs to be accompanied inside the work, but where is the boundary separating artist and user? Sharing practices, knowledge, and questions, starting with the work of accessibility made for a blind, visually impaired, and deaf audience, but always opening up more layered questions involving all possible audiences.

The residency will take the form of a workshop/working group open to invited guests from the blind and deaf community in Bologna. In addition to Camilla Guarino and Giuseppe Comuniello, Diana Anselmo, Aristide Rontini, and Elia Covolan from Al.Di.Qua.Artists, and Mariella Popolla, a researcher in Sociology at the University of Cagliari, will also be present (online).


production AREA06 / Short Theatre
in collaboration with Al.Di.Qua Artists
with the support of Fondazione Alta Mane Italia
ph. Giulia Ficarazzo BASE Milano