Gerald Kurdian / concert

  • Italiano

    • Gerald Kurdian

    THURSDAY, 10th SEPTEMBER 2015 | 23.30 | 45′


    in the frame of TransARTE | ITALIAN PREMIERE


    vocals sampler keys Gérald Kurdian
    drums Edward barnaby James Essex

    Since the release of a first album selected by the daily news Libération as one of the best records of 2010, Gérald Kurdian, pop musician winner of Paris Jeunes Talents and identified by the FAIR for its oblique concerts under the name of This is the hello monster !, works now towards the utopia of a surreal pop, both unclassifiable and surprising, sometimes funny, often sought.

    As much inspired by the sonic experiments of Laurie Anderson, as of the heartfelt melodies of a young Bashung, he tinkers since then haunted, pastoral or miniaturized ballads, unfolds strokes of samplers, voices, keyboards, curious worlds, amused as the Boogaerts islands, sensual like those of Christophe.

    In 2015, he collaborated with the director Guillaume Jaoul for his future EP “Isocaèdre” and prepares an album for 2016. Thus, he interprets Les Ministères, a duet with the Montreal based singer Pierre Lapointe, and invites the enlightened violins of his friend Chapelier Fou.

    While playing in duet with Edward Barnaby James Essex on drums, will be accompanied by ghost singers, slides of artificial islands on screens, sleepy towns, planets, evoking in pixelated songs, digital love or mystical naturism, riding between the arrangements of an orchestrated pop and the lo-fi waves of the 2×1000 years.


    Gérald Kurdian is from France, performer, songwriter and radio-artist, studied visual arts in Paris-Cergy before taking part in the EX.E.R.CE 07 contemporary dance program.
    He has created several radio-documentaries and radio projects exploring sound performativity and contemporary arts critique. In parallel, he focused on, This is the hello monster!, his avant-pop solo band.
    His first LP was selected by the French newspaper Libération as record of the year 2010.

    In 2015, he collaborated with the director Guillaume Jaoul for his future EP “Isocaèdre” and prepares an album for 2016.