Monday, 12th September | 21.00


Shu Aiello Catherine Catella

Un paese di Calabria

in the originale language with Italian subtitles

Subject and directed Shu Aiello e Catherine Catella
Production Tita Productions, Marmitafilms, Les Productions JMH, Bo Film
Cast il Sindaco Domenico Lucano e gli abitanti di Riace, in particolare: Cosimina, Baïram, Gianfranco, Cinzia, Emilia, Roberto, Leonardo, Tahira e Caterina, Antonella e Antonio, Don Giovanni, Renzo, Rosina, Raffaele, Tonino, Daniel e Princess, Mohamed Ramza, Ousmane e la sua famiglia
Producers Laurence Ansquer per Tita Productions, Martine Vidalenc per Marmitafilms, Florence Adam per Les Productions JMH, Serena Gramizzi per Bo Film
Director of photography Maurizio Tiella, François Pages, Steeve Calvo
Editor Catherine Catella
Live sound Jean-François Priester
Music Francesca Breschi, Giovanna Marini, Matteo Salvatore, Modena City Ramblers

Rosa Maria has left Riace, his hometown, on a summer day in 1931 to seek his fortune in France. Since then, the inhabitants of Riace have saw the houses, abandoned by emigrants, covering of ivy and lands impoverished. They continued to watch the sea from their hills , to remember their two patrons, Saints Cosmas and Damian, originating in the east. One day from the sea came a barge on which were Bairam and other two hundred Kurdish refugees. The houses of the early twentieth century immigrants have been restored with the help of new migrants and their dates. Today the inhabitants of the Calabrian country are called Roberto, Ousmane, Emilia, Mohamed, Leonardo, Taira. The “Futura” project, carried out by the mayor Domenico Lucano, together with migrants, is a unique example of reception.
The inhabitants do not have much , but every day they invent a common destiny .
“Un paese di Calabria” reveals the infinite cycles of migration flows, by showing how what for some is a problem, for others it is an opportunity.


Shu Aiello
After a high education in the audiovisual, Shu Aiello started to collaborate with the “13 Productions”, a company created to express a new vision of society through the production of documentaries. In his work explores the themes of resistance in opposition to conventional thinking.
Among his works as director are La mutation du Crabe de Cocotier (Festival di Rochefort, Festival di Groix, FIFO, France Ô) e Cinéaste et Papillon, documentaries produced by Tita Production, and the series Vers l’autre rive, méditerranée monde arabe, broadcast by La Cinquième.

Catherine Catella
The author Catherine Catella, the French-Italian mixed culture, has devoted much time to the theme of exile. Editor of many television documentaries, is also the author and director.
She directed Au diapason du Monde, docu-film product by Les Films du Tambour de Soie, e Moi aussi je suis à bout de souffle documentary co-directed by Christian Docin-Julien, product by Les Films de Nemo and Films du Tambour de Soie; selected for “Cinéma du réel” 2007, “Doc Ouest” 2007, “Escales documentaires” 2007.
She has been editor of documentaries and series, some of which are Tokyo Blue, documentary of Sylvain Garassus, and Wrestling in Dakar, documentary of Edward Porembny, product by Arte, AMP Polska, TVP (Poland), NRK (Norway), Al Jazeera (GB), TG4 (Wales); she has been the winner for “Doc In Progress Award” of Sunny Side of the doc 2012 and for “Karl Lévesque Award”, winner like Best creole film for “Vues d’Afrique”, festival of Montréal in 1994.

Giorno e Ora:12th SEPTEMBER | h.21.00


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