ALESSANDRO SCIARRONI | Don’t Be Frightened of Turning the Page  

8 September | 6.45 p.m.
9 September | 11.00 p.m.
Studio 1 | La Pelanda

creation and performance | Alessandro Sciarroni
dramaturgy | Alessandro Sciarroni, Su-Feh Lee
light design | Rocco Giansante
development, promotion, general counseling | Lisa Gilardino
administration | Chiara Fava
technical advice | Valeria Foti, Cosimo Maggini
researches| Damien Modolo
production | corpoceleste_C.C.00# e Marche Teatro Teatro
co-production| Le CENTQUATRE(Paris), CCN2 – Centre chorégraphique national de Grenoble, Les Halles de Schaerbeek


During the 2013-’15 triennium, Alessandro Sciarroni began a new and broad-sweeping phase of research, creating performance events for groups of actors, concentrating on practices consisting of single actions reiterated in time and space. Thanks to the project Migrant Bodies, the artist developed an idea for a new exceptionally fruitful performance approach. Starting with observations of the migratory phenomenon of several animals that end their lives returning to spawn and die in the places of their birth, the artist began working on the concept of turning. The English term (which not only implies rotation but also change and evolution) was translated and represented on stage by bodies rotating around their own axis, developing into a psycho-physical voyage, a dance the length of which is defined by this voyage.
In Dont Be Frightened of Turning the Page, which is only one of the numerous versions of the Turning project, Alessandro Sciarroni follows out the first action in person, after months of training himself to be able to turn virtually indefinitely without losing his balance. Each “version” foresees the involvement of different performers, including visual artists, musicians and designers, called upon by the artist to execute the same action according to their own interpretation – in a way that is dramaturgically coherent with the title: the materials and the physical staging are subject to mutation, evolution, transformation, within each single event, while the piece continues to revolve around its own axis of research and performative practice. 

Alessandro Sciarroni is an Italian artist working in the performing arts with a background of study in visual arts and theatre studies. His works defy being defined by genre and have been hosted by festivals, museums and non-traditional spaces in all of Europe, the United States, Canada, Brazil, Uruguay and Asia. His creations involve artists from numerous disciplines, including the worlds of dance, circus and sport. The works attempt to reveal, through the repetition of a given practice to the limits of physical resistance, the obsessions, fears and fragility of performance, while seeking out an empathetic relationship between performer and spectator. In 2015, he was nominated Associated Choreographer of the Ballet Company of Rome. 


09 Sep 2017




9€ / 7€ (under 25, over 65)

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La Pelanda
Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4