from 8 to 16 September | 8.30 p.m.
Outside Zone | La Pelanda

curated by Short Theatre
concept and  courtesy of Michele Di Stefano

Daily lectures, lasting a half hour, kindly offered by a specialist.
The specialist is chosen by an artist at the Festival or the Festival specifically chooses them.
Each lecturer will appear mysteriously, unleashing themselves on an unsuspecting crowd with their insolent specificity.
Each day at the same time, always in differing locations (but always inside La Pelanda), a lesson on an exceptional, specific, precise and unforgettable subject.
The initiative was created within the project Perdutamente at the Teatro di Roma, conceived by Michele Di Stefano, arriving at Short Theatre 12 as an autonomous body. Curators and protagonists: the Festival, the artists involved, the specialists themselves. 

Friday 8 September | 8:30 p.m.
Matteo Trevisani
La lotta al corpo ribelle
La stregoneria tra politica e filosofia
(the struggle of a rebel body The witchcraft between politics and philosophy)
courtesy of Lorenza Accardo 

Saturday 9 September | 8:30 p.m.
Francesco Ursini
Metamorfosi 2, 708-832
ovvero di come Ovidio racconta l’invidia
(Metamorfosi 2, 708-832, in other words, what Ovidio says about envy)

courtesy of Fabrizio Arcuri / Short Theatre

Sunday 10 September | 8:30 p.m.
Marco Mencagli 
Forest bathing: mai provato?
Verso una nuova visione del rapporto esistente tra salute umana e spazi verdi
(Forest bathing:
never tried? Towards a new vision of the relationship between human health and green spaces)
courtesy of Deflorian/Tagliarini

Tuesday 12 September | 8:30 p.m.
Maurizio Torrealta
Far parlare il silenzio:
Strategie di indagine su quello che le parole non dicono
strategies on what words do not say)
Courtesy of Bad Peace

Wednesday 13 September | 8:30 p.m.
 Fannie Sosa 
Pleasure Against the Machine
courtesy of Francesca Corona 

Thursday 14 September | 8:30 p.m.
Luigi De Angelis 
Il Mar delle Blatte. Sistemi di Intercettazione Panica tra gli Scarafaggi
(The Sea of Cockroaches. Panic Interception Systems among Cockroaches)
courtesy of Michele Di Stefano 

Friday 15 September | 8:30 p.m.
Elena Biserna
SoundBorderscapes. Decostruire la frontiera attraverso l’ascolto
(SoundBorderscapes. to Deconstruct the border through listening)
courtesy of Francesca Corona / Short Theatre

Saturday 16 September | 8:30 p.m. Emanuele Atturo
Nadal vs Federer: il tennis come guerriglia estetica
vs Federer: 
Tennis as aesthetic guerrilla)
courtesy of Matteo Angius / Short Theatre

Michele Di Stefano is a choreographer, performer, director of the Mk Company. Besides creating plays, Michele Di Stefano is also curator of artistic projects and various programming formats. The group has always been invited to the most important festivals in Italy and abroad with dates in Japan, Great Britain, Germany, Indonesia, United States, Spain, Portugal, France, Peru etc.. Michele Di Stefano received the 2014 Leone d’Argento for Dance at the 9th Festival Internazionale di Danza Contemporanea at the Biennale of Venice. 


08 Sep 2017 - 16 Sep 2017




Free entry


La Pelanda
Piazza Orazio Giustiniani 4