15 September | 7.00 p.m.
Sala A | Teatro India
national premiere
Final Demonstration of the XXVI Edition of the Ecole Des Maîtres – Itinerant International Master Course of Theatre
Masters 2017 the Transquinquennal Collective
Student Actors on Stage: Angelo Campolo, Desy Gialuz, Elena Gigliotti, Francesco Napoli (Italy); Assiya El Mhaier, Emilie Marechal, Patrick Michel, Mathilde Rault (Belgium); Benjamin Tholozan, Lola Felouzis, Sophie Lebrun, Tom Politano (France); Oscar Silva, Catarina Campos Costa, Márcia Antónia Gomes (Portugal)
Project Partners and Artistic Direction: CSS Teatro Stabile di Innovazione del Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), CREPA – Centre de Recherche et d’Expérimentation en Pédagogie Artistique (CFWB/Belgium), TAGV – Teatro Académico de Gil Vicente, Colectivo 84 (Portugal), La Comédie de Reims, Centre Dramatique National, Comédie de Caen – Centre Dramatique National de Normandie (France) with the support of MiBACT – Direzione Generale Spettacolo dal Vivo (Italy), Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia – Direzione Centrale Cultura, Sport e Solidarietà (Italy) with the participation of the Comune di Udine, Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica “Silvio d’Amico”, Short Theatre, Teatro di Roma (Italy); Théâtre de Liège – Centre Européen de Création Théâtrale et Chorégraphique, Centre des Arts Scéniques, Ministère de la Communauté Française – Service Général des Arts de la Scène, Wallonie-Bruxelles International (CFWB/Belgium); Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication, Fonds d’Assurance Formation des Activités du Spectacle (France); Universidade de Coimbra, DGArtes – Governo de Portugal / Secretário de Estado da Cultura
Ecole des Maîtres is an advanced theatre training project conceived by Franco Quadri in 1990, which is now in its 26th Edition. The educational goal of the Ecole des Maîtres is to form relationships between young actors, trained in academies and theatre schools throughout Europe and already working professionally, and important directors from the international theatre scene. The 2017 Edition of the Ecole des Maîtres is directed by Transquinquennal, theatrical collective founded in Brussels in 1989. From 2018 to 2022, the collective will realise its last five-year plan, offering its fruits and its demise in 2020. To be in harmony with this voluntary euthanasia, these five years are inspired by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (1926-2004), Swiss-American psychiatrist, pioneer of palliative care. According to her theories, after a fatal diagnosis, there are five stages of mourning. Transquinquennal took on the work at the Ecole des Maîtres in the third stage of mourning: negotiation. This reflection and the work take inspiration from the consideration of how economic practices both unite and divide society at the same time. Guiding the work of the collective creation are two fundamental questions: How are each of us, within the contexts in which we live, a consumer good? What value do we attribute to others by consuming them?