
The shows, performances and activities that require the purchase of a ticket are available on Vivaticket and a booking fee is applied. All other activities that require a booking are available on Eventbrite. Open the website, look for the event you are interested in and click on “Purchase here” or “Book here”.



September 5–8 + September 10–12 | La Pelanda–Mattatoio di Roma | 6:00–11:00 pm
September 9 + September 13 | La Pelanda–Mattatoio di Roma | 5:00–7:00 pm

In the following venues you will be able to buy tickets for the same day from one hour before the beginning of the show: Angelo Mai, ARPJtetto, Teatro di Documenti, Teatro Cometa Off, TeatroBasilica.


€13 / €8* + presale fee


  • The following activity has a price of €15 / €12 reduced* + presale fee + Card for Teatro di Documenti:
    • September 10 – 11 | Dana Michel // MIKE


  • The following activity has a fixed price of €15 + presale fee:
    • September 13 – 14 | nyamnyam // Comida Criollas


  • The following activity has a fixed price of €10 + presale fee:
    • September 5–8 | El Conde De Torrefiel // Se respira en el jardín como en un bosque


  • The following activities have a fixed price of €10 + presale fee + ARCI Card:
    • September 11 | Chiara Cecconello // AGANIS
    • September 12 | Agnese Banti // Speaking Cables
    • September 13 | Léa Katharina Meier // La Grande-Biblioteca-Bagnata-Umida-Lubrificata-Vergognosa
    • September 15 | Merende by Industria Indipendente w/ Angela Balzano + Iceboy Violet // MERENDEXSHORT — Viscous Porosity


  • The following activities have a fixed price of €8 + presale fee:
    • September 5–6 | Alessandro Bosetti / Radio That Matters // La memoria risiede nel lobo dell’orecchio
    • September 7–8 | Rimini Protokoll / Haug, Kaegi, Puschke, Wetzel // The Walks
    • September 10 | Nunzia Picciallo / BPPD // Lemmy B.
    • September 12–13 | Igor Cardellini & Tomas Gonzales + Collettivo Utopico // El Viaje


  • The following activities have a fixed price of €7** + presale fee:
    • September 7 | Zero&Artetetra
    • September 8 | Safffo: Violeta García + Luuma +SMOT
    • September 11 | Jomoon
    • September 12 | Fanfulla 5/A: Naomie Klaus + Horny Music for Ambient People
    • September 13 | Marara Kelly
    • September 14 | Booga Zooga


  • The following activity has a fixed price of €5 + presale fee:
    • September 10 | Giorgina Pi // Fotoramanza


  • The following activity costs of €3.5 and requires purchase on Eventbrite:
    • September 11 + 12 + 13 + 15 | El Conde De Torrefiel // Cuerpos Celestes


  • The following activities are free of charge and require booking on Eventbrite:
    • September 6| Annalisa Sacchi // Inappropriabili. Relazioni, opere e lotte nelle arti performative in Italia
    • September 7 | El Conde De Torrefiel // Immaginazione e altri umidi fantasmi
    • September 8 | Attilio Scarpellini // Figlio di cane
    • September 13–14 | El Conde de Torrefiel // ULTRAFICCIÓN NR. 1 / FRACCIONES DE TIEMPO
    • September 14 | Lara Khaldi, Noor Abed / Locales // School of Intrusions


  • The RECIPROCITY workshops are free.



❋ Carnet 10 spettacoli

€100 / €65 reduced* + presale fee

With this book of tickets you can buy 10 shows selecting from all those on sale in the Short Theatre 2024 programme.

❋ Carnet 3 spettacoli

€35 / €23 reduced* + presale fee

With this book of tickets you can buy 3 shows selecting from all those on sale in the Short Theatre 2024 programme.

❋ Abbonamento In Vibrazione

€53 / €35 reduced* + presale fee

This book of tickets includes the shows by Stina Fors, Agnese Banti, Valentina Magaletti & Nídia, Mohammad Reza Mortazavi, Alessandro Bosetti / Radio That Matters.

❋ Abbonamento In Movimento

€53 / €35 reduced* + presale fee

This book of tickets includes the shows by Ola Maciejewska, Antonia Baehr & Latifa Laâbissi + Nadia Lauro, Dana Michel, Annamaria Ajmone, Adriana Borriello / AB Dance Research .

❋ Abbonamento Angelo Mai

€30 + presale fee

This book of tickets includes the shows by Giorgina Pi, Agnese Banti, Chiara Cecconello, Leà Katarina Mehier.



Spectators with disabilities are entitled to a reduced ticket and a free ticket for any accompanying persons by writing to info@shorttheatre.org.

Further information on the accessibility of performances and talks can be found on the Accessibility page.



Short Theatre 2024 has several active agreements with associations, theaters, institutions and other partners in the area. Among the groups entitled to a reduced rate are: Carrozzerie n.o. t, Teatro Basilica, Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, Teatro di Roma, Teatro del Lido di Ostia, Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo, ATCL Associazione Teatrale fra i Comuni del Lazio, Angelo Mai, Piccolo America Foundation – Cinema Troisi, Acquario Romano – Casa dell’Archiettettura, Centro Commerciale I Granai, Academy of France in Rome – Villa Medici, Matemù, CivicoZero, Casa delle donne Lucha y Siesta, Fivizzano27, Libreria Tuba, Mario Meli – Circolo di cultura Omosessuale, Municipio VIII, Questa è Roma, Azienda di Servizi alla Persona disabile visiva S. Alessio – Margherita di Savoia, Alta Mane Foundation Italy, Disabili Pirata, SCUP Sportculturapopolare.


*under 35 – over 65 – gruppi convenzionati – possessorɜ CartaEffe
**DJ sets are free for those that already have any ticket for the same day