IN SHORT ⟶ El Viaje by Igor Cardellini and Tomas Gonzalez stages an urban journey while delving into a nearby “island.” A guide reflects on her personal history through a situated landscape in order to challenge borders and forms of exoticism.
El Viaje is a project conceived by Igor Cardellini and Tomas Gonzalez, in collaboration with the Colectivo Utópico, a group of six artists from Argentina, Brazil, and Switzerland. Together, they are dedicated to questioning how our society and how the North-South division can be reshaped by present and past utopias. The spectator will experience a performative walk in the City of Rome, designed to shift perspectives on everyday life and to explore alternative forms of coexistence.
El Viaje is a journey to a nearby urban “island”. During the walk, a voice will question the expectations that this word – island – provokes. The guide traces her personal story through the landscape, linking it to human and non-human flows, to the concept of border and to the exoticism resulting from it. Reversing the usual relationship between the duration of a trip and the length of the stay in its destination, participants are invited to shift their focus to the formation of the group and the circumstances of the journey itself.
Igor Cardellini is a performance maker and visual artist. In the field of performance and choreography, his research is influenced by studies in anthropology, sociology and political science. This research focuses on established power relations, and how performative devices allow them to be questioned. He is a member of the Belluard Bollwerk festival commission, and as a journalist, he writes for various newspapers. In 2022-23, he was resident at the Instituto Svizzero in Rome.
Tomas Gonzalez studied Arts and Humanities at the University of Lausanne and graduated at the University of Performing Arts, Manufacture-HEARTS, where he has taught since 2018. His research develops around the processes inherent in copying, imitation and reactivation. He works as an artistic collaborator with directors such as Jérôme Bel, Milo Rau, Fanny de Chaillé, Stefan Kaegi, Mohammad Al Attar and Sara Leghissa.
The duo Cardellini/Gonzalez work on the forces – both symbolic and socio-political – that shape society and identity, exploring emancipatory paths. Their projects are co-produced by the Théâtre de Vidy and are presented around Europe as well as South America.
staging Igor Cardellini, Tomas Gonzalez
artistic collaboration Rita Aquino, Paula Baró, Felipe de Assis, Marina Quesada
performer Val Wandja
collaborator for the adaptation Emilia Verginelli
administration, production Sarah Gumy, Valérie Niederoest, Isabelle Campiche / Salve
partners Lift London, Swiss Selection Edinburgh, Pro Helvetia, Festival de la Cité Lausanne, FIBA Buenos Aires, FIAC-Festival Internacional Artes Cênicas Salvador, far° festival Nyon
co-realised with Istituto Svizzero
presented at Short Theatre 2024 within the project Eco:frequenze funded by Next Generation EU
with the support of Insieme Siamo Arte 2024 by Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale and ATCL
ph. Arya Dil