Short Theatre is the multidisciplinary festival that since 2006, in Rome, has rejigged the signs pointing to the changing landscape of national and international live entertainment, with a layered program of shows, performances, installations, meetings, workshops, concerts and DJ sets. An open environment to research and exchange, one in which to develop new forms of transmission for theoretical and practical knowledge.
A time for the presentation of innovative languages inside the European and extra-European art scene, in which to offer established and emerging artists a space and a time in which to meet, get to know each other, confront each other.
In a complex metropolitan area like that of Rome, Short Theatre brings together the themes, content and subjectivity that define our present. Practice, theory, imagination and encounter are an organic part of a single artistic proposal, which dialogues with the spaces of the city to reactivate their meanings through reflection and curatorial practice, relaunching connections with the artistic community.
Short Theatre adopts tools and good practice in accordance with the objectives of the UN 2030 Agenda, for the reduction of its environmental impact and the promotion of inclusiveness, training, growth and innovation.
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Area 06
AREA06 is a platform working both in Italy and Europe that produces, organizes and promotes various cultural projects: educational programmes, festivals, artistic careers.
AREA06 is both a resource for projects development and an idea of cultural policy. Several subjects from different generations and professions take part in AREA06: managers, artists, administrators, young trainees, moodboarders searching for new ways of producing and communicating, for a different approach to theatre and other areas.
AREA06 is a member of the Associazione Scenario. AREA06 has been producing Short Theatre since 2006.
artistic curatorship | Silvia Bottiroli, Ilenia Caleo, Silvia Calderoni, Michele Di Stefano
general coordination |
Our Story
YESTERDAY___ Short Theatre was born in 2006 as a review of short theatrical formats within the program of Teatro di Roma at the behest of Fabrizio Arcuri, who is today co-artistic director of the innovative CSS Theatre of Friuli Venezia Giulia and former director of Massenzio International Festival of Literature, and in close collaboration with the companies and most active figures of the independent art scene in Rome, including Francesca Corona, artistic consultant until 2021 of Teatro India and today artistic director of the Festival d’Automne à Paris. The spark from which Short Theatre originated is the desire to emphasize contemporary dramaturgy in order to overcome the traditional idea of repertoire and bring the audience closer, to create a relationship capable of relating to the creative process. Having become independent from Teatro di Roma, which still remains one of the main partners of the festival, in 2010 Short Theatre began to migrate from the places included in the live show map and chose the Mattatoio as its new headquarters, coming into contact with other practices, languages, and aesthetics, establishing a lasting relationship with the space and then with the Azienda Speciale Palaexpo, which today manages it. The festival continues to move in parallel in other places too: Villa Medici, Real Academia de España en Roma, Biblioteca Vallicelliana, some of the Biblioteche di Roma, and even WEGIL, the historic former headquarters of the Gioventù Italiana del Littorio building by architect Luigi Moretti, today a multipurpose centre reopened by the Lazio Region. Here Short Theatre, in collaboration with scholars, artists and activists, has helped to initiate reflection in a decolonial and transfeminist key.
TODAY___ Short Theatre is an independent reality that maintains solid relations with the main institutional and cultural realities of the city, both national and international. It maintains strong roots with its territory and with those communities referenced therein, performing a fundamental task of mediational, cultural and social interrelation, in a complex and fragmented capital like Rome. Its physiognomy is that of a “medium-scale” structure, from which derives a particular form of responsibility that the festival takes on with seriousness and enthusiasm: acting as a place of mediation between different scenes and generations, configuring itself as a subject capable of engaging with artists a relationship of proximity, closely supporting their growth. Thanks to the intense work of networking and European planning, it plays an increasingly important role at an international level, supporting the mobility of Italian companies abroad, and presenting for the first time in Italy the works of the most interesting artistic personalities of the European and non European panorama, including Jérôme Bel (FR), Tiago Rodrigues (PT), Dana Michel (CDN), Milo Rau (CH), Nora Chipaumire (USA), Rimini Protokoll (CH / FR), Marlene Monteiro Freitas (CV), Cecilia Bengolea (AR), Joris Lacoste (FR) – and selecting emerging talents from the most interesting backgrounds – Radouan Mriziga (MA / BE), Malika Taneja (IND), Jaha Koo (NL / KR), Oona Doherty (UK), and many others. As it approaches its twenties, Short Theatre enters a new phase of life, projecting itself into a three-year period from 2022 to 2024 in continuity with what was built in the past but trying to reinvent its methods of action. The first fundamental move is represented by the choice of a new artistic direction, which changes for the first time after sixteen editions. This choice falls on Piersandra Di Matteo, a scholar, dramaturg and curator, who has been working for the festival since 2021. With this the design priorities that inspire Short Theatre’s new three-year plan are starting to emerge: regenerating the relationship with the urban dimension and with the local artistic and cultural community; expanding international relations and alliances with realities active in different fields, helping to further amplify the resonance of the festival in the cultural panorama; accompanying the creative processes and the growth phases of emerging creativity; paying particular attention to the relationship between philosophical and theoretical thought as well as artistic and political practices.
TOMORROW___ Today, the political and cultural scenario – local, national, international – in which Short Theatre moves has changed, as has the physiognomy of the festival. The start of the new three-year period 2025>2027 makes it possible to redefine even more precisely the priorities of its work, both from the point of view of its multidisciplinary artistic project and its management methods and practices. The aim is, on the one hand, to aim for greater sustainability of the festival, and on the other hand, to give substance to a multidisciplinary, innovative and radically accurate proposal that enhances the social and cultural impact that the festival has produced in recent years, and that it wants to continue to produce, assuming even more incisively the responsibility of remaining connected to the needs of its community.
Short Theatre 2024’s staff
artistic direction |
Piersandra Di Matteo
general direction
Roberta Zanardo, Monica Maffei, Matteo Angius, Giulia Messia, Lorenza Accardo
production |
Roberta Zanardo
Monica Maffei
Matteo Angius
Giulia Messia
Giulia Galzigni
in collaboration with Camilla Giaccio and Marianna Faleri
musical programme |
Giulia Messia
logistics |
Giusy Guadagno
Beatrice D’Agnese
administrative direction |
Elena Campanile
administration |
Roberta Zanardo
Giusy Guadagno
technical direction |
Chiara Martinelli
Angelo Longo
communication and promotion |
Lorenza Accardo
Francesco Di Stefano
Sara Mattei
in collaboration with Sara Innamorati and Anna Mistretta
box office |
Silvia Parlani
Francesco Di Stefano
Sara Mattei
editorial content
Giulia Crispiani
Piersandra Di Matteo
Lorenza Accardo
social media
Gaja Aurora Ebere Ikeagwuana
press office |
Alessandro Gambino
graphic art direction
Simone Tso
visual identity
Simone Tso
in collaboration with NERO Editions
Claudia Pajewski
Claudia Borgia
CIRCA Studio | Laura Accardo, Eleonora Mattozzi, Mariagiovanna Sodero
Kalima Studio di Gaia Resta
web master
Manlio Ma
food & beverage
Piersandra Di Matteo
Giulia Crispiani
in collaboration with Camilla Giaccio
special thanks to all the interns who offer their voluntary work
Luca Orecchia, Virginia Taddei, Matteo Rosato, Francesco Milano, Chiara Bartolucci, Ilenia Pesciarelli, Josephine Gardoni, Giorgia Salomone, Sofia Pieroni, Manuel Di Nicola, Noemi Scarlatti, Chiara Vitale, Marina Cirulli, Virginia Bracco, Donatella Abbatiello, Laura Celli, Valeria Borrelli, Francesca Maddalena, Adriana Di Giovanni, Chiara Beatrice Lo Cicero
thanks to
Irene Ciavarella, Sergio e tutto 5m, Giulia Mereghetti, Giulia Flenghi, i soliti Fenni&Massimo, Paolo Caravello, Isabella Di Cola, Eleonora Zoppo della Coltelleria Zoppo, Maya Vetri, Silvia Corsi, Michela Torquati, Davide Lilli, Angela Ventura, Luca Sportera, Gigi, doppia W, Donatella De Vincenzi, Erika Galli, le Tube, Abul Kalam, Enrico De Stavola, S4NT4NTON1O