11 September | 7.30 pm
La Pelanda – Studio 2

Andrea Dante Benazzo


On 29 October 2018, the strongest gale ever recorded in the Dolomites uprooted over fourteen million trees. Among the areas affected was the Passo di Costalunga , a place that had hosted the holidays of three generations of the Andrea Dante Benazzo family. A few years earlier, the director’s father was sentenced for the bankruptcy of Gibiemme, the family business founded seventy years earlier by his great-grandfather.
It is these physical and metaphorical, natural and familiar collapses that set the director’s family archive in motion, bearing the scars of the effects of the climate disaster. Partschótt is a debut work positioned in the border area between documentary and intimate story. Images, videos, objects, environmental recordings and interviews intertwine macro-history and micro-stories, reconnecting one’s personal history with unstoppable social and environmental transformations.


Andrea Dante Benazzo is an Italian actor and director based in Rome. Via live performance and transmedial excursions, his work explores accumulation, cataloguing and statistics using archives and atlases as his grammar. He graduated in acting at the Accademia Nazionale d’Arte Drammatica Silvio d’Amico in 2020. He is Alessandro Businaro’s assistant director for George II (Biennale Teatro 2020) and Valentino Villa’s for Au Bord (Romaeuropa Festival 2022).

Laura Accardo is a visual artist and videomaker. She moves within the field of documentation with a particular interest in private archives, found footage and editing. In 2019 she met the Lele Marcojanni Collective (BO) with whom she collaborates on projects for the ERT-Emilia Romagna Teatro Foundation, Santarcangelo Festival as well as TEMPORARLI/35hrs live film for Live Arts Week 2021. In 2020 she co-founded CIRCA, a video documentation collective.

conception and performance Andrea Dante Benazzo
video and artistic collaboration Laura Accardo
dramaturgical support Mattia Colucci
sound design Federico Mezzana
project selected by European Young Theatre 2019 / Powered by Ref 2020 / Animali Teatrali Fantastici e Dove Trovarli 2021 / Direction Under 30 2022
with the support of Carrozzerie | n.o.t, Olinda/TeatroLaCucina and Periferie Artistiche – centro di residenza della Regione Lazio e Laboratori Permanenti