14 September | h 6 pm
La Pelanda – Studio 1
1 h + Talk
«How to transform a theatrical event into a cinematographic work? In particular, one without a traditional plot-line, but only a long walk from downtown Rome to the former seaplane base in Ostia? How can we convert, into sounds and images, the incredible heightening of reality that the spectator experiences in The Walking Man? That’s what we asked ourselves when we decided to make this film.» (Giulio Boato)
L’uomo che cammina is a landscape performance that lasts five hours, inspired by the graphic novel by Jiro Taniguchi, created by the artistic collective DOM- by Leonardo Delogu and Valerio Sirna. After a tour in various Italian cities, as well as abroad, L’uomo che cammina was performed in Rome in the summer of 2018. During the production in Rome, the artistic duo of Boato\Danesin followed the performance and created a film. The result is a brand new work that, taking full advantage of the possibilities offered by the medium of film, gives new life to the performance experience from which it draws its origins.
A man walks through the city. He crosses through a series of spaces which seemingly transform themselves into some otherworldly place. During this journey, a fragment of a life is stretched out before us – an afternoon at the end of summer moving in a state of suspended animation, the figure of a lonely and elusive man, fallen into a game of apparitions and narrative false leads. Through his voyage, the landscape opens up and reveals itself to the public as they follow the man from a distance, spying on him, teetering between identification and estrangement. Starting with the graphic novel The L’uomo che cammina by Jiro Taniguchi, DOM- builds a dramaturgy of space in which to explore the confines between the urban and the “third” landscape, that between the city centre and the suburbs. In the re-elaboration of Boato\Danesin, the camera is the spectator, increasingly penetrating into the very substance of places. The audio-visual rendering of this walk is the perfect pretext for translating the highly theatrical notion of “experience” into cinema.
L’iniziativa è parte del programma dell’Estate Romana promossa da Roma Capitale Assesorato alla Crescita Culturale e realizzata in collaborazione con SIAE