llegal Helpers is a theatrical text composed of interviews and dialogues recorded by Maxi Obexer in four different European countries. The respondents help migrants and asylum seekers, saving them from deportation as well as offering them protection and accommodation or help them crossing borders. Some interviews have already been convicted, others are jeopardizing their work and existence. The text investigates their deep motivations, difficulties, fears and failures. They are the voices, testimonies, necessarily anonymous, which pose an ethical question: what would we do in their place? The conclusion that the author reaches is a pretty harsh one: we are at war and genocide is underway. From Fortress Europe we could pretend nothing is happening, but we are in the middle of it. And by doing nothing we become accomplices to the acts. We are overwhelmed with information but despite, perhaps even because of, such an excess of information, we are deadened, immobilized on our sofas looking at images and hearing news to which we are desensitized. This information never becomes knowledge, it does not bring us closer, in fact it distances and alienates. The text prioritises action: only by leaving the solely information world it is possible to start acting.