Wednesday 9 | 4:30 pm + 6:30 pm
La Pelanda – Public spaces
site specific performance

national première

in Italian

5€ + 1€ presale fee∗

Tiago Cadete


Fiume is about a film that doesn’t exist yet. A walk on the banks of the Tiber river where the viewer can only listen to the soundtrack of the film that is being recorded along the way. A long sequence shot that intersects the stories of the Tiber and the Tagus River. The two rivers have miles of stories to tell, living beings, witnesses and protagonists of remarkable and crucial episodes in history. It was the Tejo river that created Lisbon and the Tiber that created Rome, surrounded by fables and mysteries. It welcomed the first farmers, saw the Phoenician sailors and the Romans arrive. Its waters witnessed great and bloody naval battles, revolts and attacks. They devoured boats, were enraged by storms, floods and earthquakes that hit those who lived on its banks. Caravels and ships left to colonize peoples unknown to Europeans. Glory and tragedy. Mystery and intrigue. Victory and defeat. The two rivers reveal curiosities that in juxtaposition tell a new story.

Fiume by Tiago Cadete is presented at Short Theater 2020 thanks to the collaboration with Materiais Diversos as part of the Displacement of Festival / More Than This.

The performance is itinerant, it will be a 40-minute walk from the ticket office of La Pelanda – Mattatoio di Roma to Ponte Garibaldi, comfortable shoes are recommended. There is no shuttle service.

After purchasing your ticket, and in order to participate in the performance, it is obligatory to send an email to info@shorttheatre.org with “TIAGO CADETE Participation” in the subject bar. Your e-mail is necessary in order to receive all the information explaining this performance.

Tiago Cadete was born in Portugal, he currently lives between Portugal and Brazil. His line of work lies on the border between the performing and visual arts.
He attends the visual arts doctorate at EBA-UFRJ, where he has also earned his master degree. He received a scholarship from the GDA-Gestão dos Direitos dos Artistas to attend the Post-Graduation in the Laban/Bartenieff System at the Angel Vianna/Laban Dance University. He has a degree in Theater from the Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema. Since 2009, he regularly collaborates with Raquel André, having created “NO DIGITAL”, “LAST” and “TURBO_LENTO”. In 2011 he took part on the european research and creation project on performance with new technologies A.D.A.P.T Advancing Digital Art Performance Techniques (Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, France, Belgium).

creation Tiago Cadete
production Co-pacabana
voice over and support to dramaturgy Catarina Vieira
support Materiais Diversos; Estúdios Vítor Cordon
voice over in Italian to be defined
whitin More Than This
© Tiago Cadete