If the world of live entertainment is able to cooperate in influencing representations of the body and determining working conditions, what tactics can it adopt to break up that discursive and systemic universe based on the hegemonic model of the able bodied white man?
In a system of narratives built on so called “enabled” people, how do we realize what is missing? What perspectives do we adopt to name disabilities on stage? How can we create conditions of study and professional training for artists with disabilities? How can we create places of culture and creative experiences that are accessible to all? How can we remove the barriers that limit participation?
Short Theatre proposes a shared reflection with cultural operators and curators, activists and artists, on the accessibility of contemporary arts to shed light on issues related to disabilities and neurodivergence with the aim of discrediting beliefs and prejudices dictated by the ableist agenda and to do so with interventions from experts and with testimonials.
Marta Agopar for the St. Alexis Institute, which focuses on Clinical Dance Therapy, will take part.
Anticipation of the Night is the discursive space that lights up every day in the late afternoon. For the full programme click here.
P.A.C. – Performing Arts Contemporanee is a network of organizations active in the contemporary performing arts born with the aim of facilitating procedures and relationships with institutions. The following are part of PAC: Area06, Argot Studio, Artiinconnessione, Artmosfera, Bluecheese, Dominio Pubblico, Flyer New Media, Fusolab 2.0, Kollatino Underground, lacasadargilla, Luci Ombre, Margine Operativo, Martelive, Ondadurto Teatro, PAV, Procult, Associazione Spellebound, Associazione TDL, Triangolo Scaleno Teatro and Valdrana.
project by Short Theatre
sustained by Fondazione Alta Mane Italia
in partnership with Istituto Sant’Alessio di Savoia – Margherita di Savoia
in the frame of the european project RADIO THAT MATTERS
in the frame of the project Insieme Siamo Arte 2023 realised by Città Metropolitana di Roma Capitale and ATCL
ph Mariagiovanna Sodero_Fermento 2022 /// territori suoni moltitudini
Radio That Matters is a “Creative Europe” project conceived and curated by Short Theatre in partnership with two European festivals – Parallèle in Marseille and Baltic Circus in Helsinki – alongside Errant Sound in Berlin and PAV in Rome, and in collaboration with Radio Papesse of Florence and the Sant’Alessio di Savoia Institute – Margherita di Savoia. The project includes a research path in the field of performative formats related to audio and sound, and in the field of practice and experimentation of forms of accessibility in the area of live entertainment for people with visual impairments.