14 September | 7.30 pm
Real Academia de España en Roma



in Italian

Diana Lola Posani + Piersandra Di Matteo

Ecologie dell'ascolto

How can we rethink our approach to acoustic phenomena to encourage unprecedented interactions? How can we train a collective capacity for deep listening? In terms of attunement can we make room in our imagination for the vibrational matter that surrounds us? Sound is relational plasma that encourages contact in addition to activating synchronizations in consonance and dissonance as well as harmony and cacophony. Starting from the conceptual nodes developed by the American sound artist and theorist Brandon LaBelle in Acoustic Justice, Diana Lola Posani and Piersandra Di Matteo will share their reflections on the domain of acoustics as a political and creative issue.
Listening is a form of attention and critical instance, a “performative agon” – something that plays an essential role in the processes of subjectivation and social recognition inscribed in the dominant aural regimes. Bringing the acoustic norm into question makes it possible to redirect listening to other auditory modes of identification and resonance, focusing attention on the right to listen and to identify in acoustics a tactile, affective and biopolitical terrain, one capable of providing a new vocabulary for an ecology of feeling.

The book Giustizia Acustica. Ascoltare ed essere ascoltati (Acoustic Justice. Listening and Being Listened To) by Brandon LaBelle and published in Italy by Short Books/NERO, will be the third publication of a series born from the collaboration between Short Theatre and NERO editions.

Diana Lola Posani is also present at Short Theatre 2023, before the talk, with the performance Scream as if your organs were made of glass, and she will also curate the workshop La gioiosa permeabilità, on Wednesday 13 September in the frame of RECIPROCITY.

Anticipation of the Night is the discursive space that lights up every day in the late afternoon. For the full programme click here.

Diana Lola Posani is a sound artist, independent curator and facilitator of Pauline Oliveros’ Deep Listening, certified by the Deep Listening Foundation. She performs internationally, writes in the magazine A Row of Trees, and in 2022 she debuted on Fango Radio with the podcast Kaikokaipuu. Her work was presented at Errant Sound (Berlin), at the Tsonami Sound Art Festival (Valparaiso), the I AM UNDONE festival (Oslo), NEXTONES festival (Val d’Ossola), in the spaces of Studio Rizoma (Palermo), at the MACRO museum (Rome) and in the sound art exhibition MEZZ’ARIA (Pistoia). She currently works on the common space between sound and poetic imagery, through interdisciplinary works and sound poems. She is the curator of AKRIDA, a nomadic sound art festival that presents international artists with a female and non-binary identity, the Figure di Filo – event supported by the Fondazione Morra, and the soundart event for children CRIATURE.

in the frame of the european project RADIO THAT MATTERS 

ph Mariagiovanna Sodero / Fermento /// territori suoni moltitudini

Radio That Matters is a “Creative Europe” project conceived and curated by Short Theatre in partnership with two European festivals – Parallèle in Marseille and Baltic Circus in Helsinki – alongside Errant Sound in Berlin and PAV in Rome, and in collaboration with Radio Papesse of Florence and the Sant’Alessio di Savoia Institute – Margherita di Savoia. The project includes a research path in the field of performative formats related to audio and sound, and in the field of practice and experimentation of forms of accessibility in the area of live entertainment for people with visual impairments.