September 10 | 6:00 pm
La Pelanda – Spazio Aperto
book presentation – action

free entry with reservation required on Eventbrite

Sara Leghissa

WILL YOU MARRY ME?, Artist's Book



A book presentation / action with Sara Leghissa, Serena Olcuire, Valerio Mannucci and participants from the STELLE POLARI workshop.


Sara Leghissa is an independent artist and researcher. Her performative practice takes place mainly in public spaces, using as much as possible what is already available around her, in order to transform contexts, connect communities and explore the dynamics of living and interacting together. During Short Theatre 2021, as part of RECIPROCITY, Sara meets at STELLE POLARI with 15 young people from the Ostia area to create and conduct a new experience – all based on her WILL YOU MARRY ME? project that started off as a site-specific public conference on the implications of the “illegal act” and then transformed into other things, including a book published by NERO Editions.

The illegal gesture has a symbolic and material power, because it makes power visible and evident. It goes against the rigidity and fixity of power, and so things seem to have always been like this. Maddalena Fragnito

On the 10th of September the journey of these STELLE POLARI participants will continue on to the Pelanda where, together with Valerio Mannucci and Serena Olcuire, they will present – and perform – WILL YOU MARRY ME ?, Artist’s Book by Sara Leghissa and Marzia Dalfini: a book whose ultimate ambition is to “disappear on the street”. Its pages collect words and stories of people whose right to exist and be visible in public spaces was forced to confront the concepts of “legality” and “justice”. All the content was collected by the artist during meetings and conversations that took place in Prato, Milan, Ramallah, Marseille, Madrid, Nyon and Lausanne and with this book-object their words become manifestos that the reader is invited to detach and relocate into the public space.



in collaboration with Teatro del Lido di Ostia
© Sara Leghissa