Thursday 10 | 10:15 pm
La Pelanda – Studio 2
1 h

national première

10€ - 7€ (under 30 - over 60) + 1€ presale fee

David Marques

Dança sem Vergonha

David Marques in his Danca Sem Vergonha explores the motor and cultural imaginaries related to dance but from a more intimate position, specifically that of his own room, where “without shame” indulges in dance and self-expression, confusing the plan of the time and space, public and private.

“For the past few years, I’ve been looking for ways to dance and reasons to dance. I noticed, while dancing at home, in studios and in clubs, a common pleasure in these contexts that kept me going. With few or no witnesses, this parallel dance of pleasure seemed to arise between a musical formalism and an emotional expressiveness without constraints. My ‘shameless dance’ perhaps exists only in a theatre and is only possible through the crossing of various spaces, times and motivations: the bedroom I associate with childhood, the club I associate with adolescence and the studio I associate with adulthood. The theatre I associate to the present, during a performance, of both spectators and performers. Danced by me, this dance-sensation is immediate and thought-through, simple and complex, referential and naive, abstract and symbolic, serious and amusing, intimate and shared, technical and unprepared.”

David Marques presents his work Dança sem Vergonha at Short Theatre 2020 thanks to the collaboration with Materiais Diversos within Displacement of the festival / More Than This.

David Marques (Portugal, 1985) works as a performer and choreographer.  His works focus on the questions of look and time, seeking to create spaces of improbable relationships on stage. He studied dance at the Escola Superior de Dança – IPL in Lisbon and was trained in choreography at the Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier, directed by Mathilde Monnier, as a grant holder of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. He created the solos Motor de Busca, KIN, Conquest, a choreographic adaptation of a score by Deborah Hay and Dança Sem Vergonha. With Ido Feder he developed the trilogy Bête de Scène/Images de Bêtes/THE POWERS THAT B and with Tiago Cadete Apagão. He is the founder of PARCA.

created and danced by David Marques
live DJ set Joe Delon 
space Tiago Cadete  
video Diogo Brito 
costumes Tiago Loureiro
external eye Patrícia Milheiro 
technical direction Gonçalo Alegria
residencies Estúdios Victor Córdon and EIRA/Teatro da Voz 
management and administration Vítor Alves Brotas 
production PARCA with AGÊNCIA 25
co-production PARCA and EIRA/Festival Cumplicidades
support Curtas de Dança 2019 – Festival DDD Dias de Dança (for the development of the video), Self-Mistake – Experimentation Grant
whitin More Than This
© Alipio Padilha