Ligia Lewis ∴ Alessandro Sciarroni ∴ Eli Mathieu-Bustos ∴ Fred Moten ∴ Mackda Ghebremariam Tesfau’ ∴ Justin Randolph Thompson ∴ Calderoni & Caleo ∴ Eva Geatti ∴ Robyn Orlin & Nadia Beugré ∴ Industria Indipendente ∴ lacasadargilla ∴ Martina Gambardella/Boarding Pass Plus Dance ∴ Silvia Calderoni ∴ Cakes da Killa ∴ Carozzi & Cornelio/Zimmerfrei ∴ Chiara Bersani ∴ Daria Deflorian ∴ Diana Lola Posani ∴ Gruppo UROR ∴ Fabiana Iacozzilli/Cranpi ∴ Fanfulla 5/a ∴ Francesco Marilungo ∴ Baby Volcano ∴ Lorena Stadelmann ∴ Marie Moise ∴ Leonardo Zaccone ∴ Nacera Belaza ∴ P.A.C. – Performinga Arts Contemporanee ∴ Pauline Curnier Jardin & Feel Good Cooperative ∴ Radio That Matters ∴ LOCALES / If Body ∴ Romeo Castellucci /Socìetas ∴ Sofia Jernberg ∴ Sara Leghissa & Maddalena Fragnito + Valerio Mannucci ∴ Silke Huysmans & Hannes Dereere ∴ Annalisa Sacchi ∴ Kwanza Musi Dos Santos ∴ Adil Mauro ∴ since ∴ Habillé d’eau / Silvia Rampelli ∴ Théo Mercier & François Chaignaud ∴ Studi e Politiche di Genere – Master I livello Roma Tre ∴ Short Books / NERO Editions
and more…
The 18th edition of Short Theatre delves into the creative current of the previous year to evoke a Radical Sympathy. By reshaping a familiar term that may have lost its resonance in contemporary discourse, yet carries a profound and multifaceted philosophical legacy, Short Theatre 2023 aims at listening to the movement – collective, global, anti-natural, in constant mutation – of dependencies and interdependencies attune the matters of the world, provoking action, reaction, further action, and mobilization. A mutual hearing and being heard – not within but with – through porosity, through a fluid exchange, from the microscopic to the atmospheric level, through gravitational pull that leaves traces of complicity between discordant or divergent worlds.
A spark along a magnetic field. A spell that makes ubiquity possible. Moving points and sinuous lines.
Short Theatre 2023—Radical Sympathy moves beyond the subject and sets in motion a current that spans multiple directions, shedding light on the perceivable space between bodies – human and non-human, audible and inaudible. It is within this realm that friction, attraction, and emotion take place. Inquiring the ecology of attention to let other criteria of tuning flow. (Re-)Learning forms of somatic and embodied intelligence to enhance understanding and action. Aligning with diverse and convergent purposes, beyond the self, through identities. Attraction and repulsion. Creating space through listening. Poeticising in transformation. Surrendering to language to give a new meaning to what we feel. Sympathy is here a ubiquitous tendency for outsides to come in, muddy the waters, and exit to partake in new waves of encounter. Sympathy is radical because it is beyond us, because it is vibrational and magnetizes us elsewhere, in the embrace of the unusual.
La Pelanda – Mattatoio Roma | Teatro Argentina | Teatro India
Teatro Nazionale –Teatro dell’Opera di Roma | Teatro del Lido di Ostia | Teatro Biblioteca Quarticciolo
Carrozzerie_n.o.t | TeatroBasilica | Villa Medici | Real Academia de España en Roma
Angelo Mai | Cinema Troisi | Spazi urbani